Affordable Small Business SEO

Affordable SEO services UK

So, what does an affordable SEO package include?

First and foremost, to create a winning SEO strategy, we need to get to know you better! Our service begins with a questionnaire to obtain basic information, followed by an onboarding phone or video call (your choice) to establish your business goals. After conducting a site audit, keyword research, competitor analysis, content optimisation, technical optimisation, and backlink profile, we'll devise a personalised SEO strategy and action list to boost your business's online presence.


Site auditOyster SEO Site Audit Icon

This is your website health check and identifies issues that can prevent your website from ranking on Google & other search engines.

Keyword researchOyster SEO Keyword Research Icon

Effective keyword research identifies the terms, phrases & questions that are important to your target audience and customers.

Competitor analysisOyster SEO Competitor Analysis Icon

Reverse engineering your rivals uncovers their marketing strategies, traffic sources and keyword rankings to expose opportunities.

Content optimisationOyster SEO Content Optimisation Icon

Create engaging content to include associated keywords that resonate with your audience, bringing targeted traffic to your website.


Technical optimisationOyster SEO Technical Optimisation Icon

Technical SEO ensures that Google & other search engines can properly browse, understand and index your website.

Backlink profileOyster SEO Backlink Profile Icon - Purple Chain Link

Uncover all backlinks to your website, analyse the quality of those links, identify broken backlinks & maintain a healthy backlink profile.

Personalised strategyOyster SEO Strategy Icon

From our findings, your resource & business vertical, we'll devise the most impactful strategy to boost your business's online presence.

Monthly reportingOyster SEO Monthly Reporting Icon

Receive a monthly SEO progress report to include website health, keyword & position tracking, and ongoing recommendations.


SEO content templateOyster SEO Technical Optimisation Icon

Personalised & optimised ready-made brief for you or your copywriter to create engaging and converting text masterpieces.

Backlink managementOyster SEO Backlink Management Icon - Purple Chain Links, One small and one larger

Our link-building tool collects high-quality backlink prospects for outreach based on your keywords and target audience.

Google Business ProfileOyster SEO Google Business Profile Icon - Purple Map marker with cog inside.

Essential for any local business. GBP allows you to appear in Search, Maps and Local Pack Listings to reach your local customers.


Business listingsOyster SEO Business Listings Icon

Ensures your business details are distributed in all high-quality business directories to improve rankings on local and map results.


Are our SEO packages right for you?

As a small business, we recognise that you probably don't have the resources to hire a team to look after your SEO; it most likely comes down to one person wearing many hats! Choose the package that works best for your business and upgrade at any time. Most customers start with either our #1 Starter Package or our #1 Local Package; all our subscription packages require a minimum 6-month commitment due to SEO being a longer-term strategy. All packages are subject to a one-time only set-up fee to cover the initial investigative work and personalised strategy.

Our service is a 'work with you' approach whereby Oyster SEO provides a custom strategy, recommendations, guidance and monthly reporting. We do not make any changes to your website code or content.  However, website development and content creation are available by request for an additional fee.


Subscription Plans

Lifetime Forever Free

Free /Lifetime


    • Free Actionable SEO Tips
    • Mailing List Subscription, Regular Tips, Tutorials and Articles


Simply sign up, and we'll send you a questionnaire to complete. Based on your answers we'll send you some actionable SEO tips to help your business become more visible online!

#1 Starter SEO Package


Onetime Set-up Fee £350.00

  • Custom SEO Strategy
  • Full Site Audit
  • Competitor Analysis (2)
  • Keyword Research
  • Content Optimisation Ideas
  • Technical Optimisation
  • Backlink Profile Monitoring
  • Monthly Progress Report
  • Monthly Call
  • Mailing List Subscription


#1 Local SEO Package


Onetime Set-up Fee £350.00

Ideal for Hairdressers, Barbers, Beauticians, Pet Shops, Cafes etc.

  • Custom SEO Strategy
  • Full Site Audit
  • Competitor Analysis (2)
  • Keyword Research
  • Content Optimisation Ideas
  • Technical Optimisation
  • Backlink Profile Monitoring
  • Google Business Profile
  • Business Listings Management
  • Monthly Progress Report
  • Monthly Call
  • Mailing List Subscription

Grow SEO Package


Onetime Set-up Fee £350.00

Take your SEO to the Next Level & Grow Your Online Visibility

  • Custom SEO Strategy
  • Full Site Audit
  • Competitor Analysis (3)
  • Keyword Research
  • Content Optimisation Ideas
  • Technical Optimisation
  • SEO Content Template (1)
  • Backlink Profile Monitoring
  • Backlink Profile Management
  • Monthly Progress Report
  • Monthly Call
  • Mailing List Subscription

Still not convinced? Request a FREE 15-minute consultation



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